Saying "thank you" and showing gratitude was a serious part of my upbringing. Since as young as I can remember, I have been writing thank you cards to friends, relatives, and even strangers for various gifts, acts of kindness, and gestures of love. My parents were ever so diligent to make sure not a graduation, birthday, pageant, wedding, or reception went by without sending out thank you cards. As tedious as it was as a kid to complete those notes, now as an adult, I am ever so grateful that my parents instilled this lesson in me at such a tender age. It is a habit that I have carried with me my entire life. As a matter of fact, my first job out of high school (sophomore year of college) was at a stationary store in Lenox Mall, here in Atlanta. I enjoyed working there so much and was surrounded by beautiful papers and thank you notes each shift. Sometimes, the beauty of the handwritten card is even breathtaking and emotional. Not only do I love to write, but I love beautiful paper.

So, with that being said, the first project I completed for my
Five Love Language themed birthday party was the thank you cards. (If you missed my post about this b-day party I am planning,
you can find it here.) Saying thank you is a great way to show love to those who come to join you on your birthday. The thank you cards will be handed out at the end of the affair with the party favors. They are personalized on the inside with each couples name and includes a place to write their discovered love language as a keep sake from the event.
I made the thank you cards with card stock purchased at
Hallmark that were sealed with a band closed with a heart motif. It was also great that I found this love themed stationary in lavendar, which falls in line with our color story.
Above is a picture of all of the components of the thank you card.
To the right, is a close up of the inside of the thank you card. On the top flap is a thank you message. In the middle is the logo I created with the date of the event. On the bottom flap is the name of the couple with a line by each name to document their love language that they discovered at the party.

UPDATE: So after completing the thank you cards for the event, I started to think about how I wanted each couple to receive the cards. They can't be mailed after, because there is a place to add their love language (which they will learn at the party). Therefore, I'd like for them to open them at the end of the party and write their love language inside the card. So I was just going to sit them on the table, but then I realized that I don't want them opening them during dinner either. I concluded to place them in envelopes and near the end of the evening, pass them to the guests. With that being said, I have added some pics below of the final product, including envelopes. I punched holes in the flaps and placed purple bows on both sides. On the front, I made labels incorporating the logo and with each couples name on the label in a curly script. I sealed the envelopes with little purple stickers. I thought about doing wax seals (as I am a lover of wax seals, {see my wedding blog here with our wax seals}), but we are on a time restraint, as well as a budget. But the stickers add a fun touch, seeing as though the party has a casual feel to it anyway.

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